Playful Skipping

11.15.2009 by Curtis Wright

Gravity Wave
(Fuzzy Logic Recordings)

“Bang! Our shit got bang!” chants Gravity Wave 23 seconds into “Bangs” from their psychedelic pop journey Gambol. I couldn’t find a better way to sum up these Torontonians’ arty kaleidoscope of sound than their own words. Sorry, but this half-band, half-visual art apparatus full of completely wacky drum and bass measures is really, really difficult to pin down. But I suppose their complete abnormality is what makes them so appealing. There’s a lot of creativity riding on the Gravity Wave — and if you can’t pick up on that from listening the trippy Gambol, their live show should seal the deal, at least if the advance hype is even halfway true. (Matching hooded unitards, anyone?) Myself, I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing one of their peculiar performances, but if they can recreate even a fraction of the colours I envision while listening to this album (imagine Tom Waits at his zaniest combined with Ziggy Stardust at his most theatrical), they should melt the walls and minds at The ARTery when they play there on Nov. 18.

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